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Our children of teen age are at the most impressionable age of their lives that, often times, they get easily influenced or carried away by what they hear or see around them. Most children of school-going age spend most of their time outside the confines of their homes and thereby interact most times with their peers who may influence them positively or negatively as the case may be.

Many people today, both men and women, who smoke or abuse substances of various kind did not start it as a deliberate act. They were either influenced by their close friends or even parents and/or the environment they found themselves which may be as a result or depression, fear, anxiety etc.

It is in the light of the above scenario that PAROCHE REACH OUT FOUNDATION, a non-governmental and non-profit making organization, engaged in campaign against substance/drug abuse, took it upon itself to go to institutions of higher learning, secondary and primary schools to “TAKE THE BULL BY THE HORN” by enlightening the youths on the dangers of substance/drug abuse at the early stages of their lives.

Therefore, it behoves both parents, guardians and teachers to talk the talk before the children walk the walk. A stitch in time they say, saves nine! SAY NO TO DRUGS.

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